Creating a 'Parallel' Timeline

User Guide

Written By John Beatty (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Parallel Timelines 

Depending on your needs Timelines offers two options that affect how you prefer on handling the tasks added to a Milestone, Parallel and Sequential

In this article, we are covering how to create a Parallel Timeline. Tasks added to a Parallel timeline can be activated/completed in any order, with the exception of “Automation” tasks. Any “Automation” is triggered by the completion of the task directly above. 

To get started expand the "Automations" menu and click on Timelines.

Building a Parallel Timeline

The landing page is the same for both types of Timelines. Here is where all your Timelines are listed and where you come to edit or update your Timelines.

For this process click on the button to start building a new Timeline.


Further Your Knowledge

Check out our other materials on Timelines to learn more about editing, updating, and building other types of Timelines. Search for “timelines” or visit the Automations section. 


Step 1: Initial Configuration of Timeline

Now, we are on the initial configuration page. This is where we need to Name the timeline, provide a brief Description, choose which Company or Node (i.e. Franchisee, Facility, Customer, etc.), and toggle on/off if you would like this timeline to be sharable. 

The table below has more detailed descriptions for the “Timeline can be assigned to this type of company” dropdown:

Dropdown Option Description
Broker  Selecting this option, allows the Timeline to be utilized by and for the Broker level.
Franchisor  Timeline is built for and applied to a Franchisor.
Franchisee  Timeline is built for and applied to a Franchisee.
Facility  Timeline is built for and applied to a Facility.
Customer  Timeline is built for and applied to a Customer.
Member  Timeline is built for and applied to a Member.

Here are our settings for this example. Click Create Timeline, when you are ready to continue. 

Using the “Is Shared” Toggle

The Is Shared toggle allows this timeline to be shared with the ‘children’ (i.e. Facilities for Franchisee) of the assigned company type.  


Step 2: Adding a Milestone

Once we create a new timeline we have a blank slate to begin building out "Milestones". Click the green plus button to start adding milestones. 

What's a Milestone?

Milestones are the building blocks of a timeline that contain a "Checklist" and any number of associated "Tasks"


We now have the “Add A Milestone” modal, where we add a Name, Description, and the option to either Create [a] New or an Existing checklist structure (see descriptions below). But, we are going through this process as your first timeline so select Create New and Save.  

Checklist Option Description
Create New A blank checklist added to the new milestone
Use Existing  The checklist selected is added to the new milestone and synced to reflect changes made 
Copy Existing  The checklist selected is copied to the new milestone 

Step 3: Milestone's Checklist Settings

Now that we have a milestone added to our timeline, it is time to configure our “checklist”. Use the dropdown, under “Completion Scheme”, to select Parallel

Changing the ‘Completion Scheme’

At any time, you can revisit a Timeline and change the "Completion Scheme" to or from Parallel or Sequential. Please be aware, that this WILL NOT affect currently active Timelines.


Step 4: Adding a Task

After the “Completion Scheme” is chosen, we are ready to begin adding “Tasks”. Click the Add a Task button to launch the task configuration modal. 

Just as we have done for the Timeline and Milestone, we need to provide a Title and Description for the task. For Type, there are three options “General”, “Approval”, and “File Upload” (see descriptions below). 

Type Option Description
General This type of task is simply marked as Complete by a designated person/actor
Approval This task type requires someone/actor to approve something
File Upload  This task type is used when a person/actor must upload a file to satisfy the task's completion

The last section here wants to know “who” is completing this task (see descriptions below). 

Actor Option Description
the node  This option will assign the actor as the same node selected in “step 1” (i.e. Broker, Franchisor, Franchisee, etc.) 
the node's parent  Selecting this assigns the actor to the level direct above “the node” (reference table in step 1)
the node's assigned user  If someone is assigned to a node they are designated the actor 
a specific user  Expands another dropdown to select a specific user as the actor
a specific node  Expands another dropdown able to search and select a specific node (e.g. a franchisee or facility)  
the automation engine  FCOS system is the actor (this also limits the type to "General" and workflow configurations are done within the task)

Adding Multiple Actors

After a task is created, you can add more “Actors” (if needed). This is covered further down in this article. 


For this, we are choosing the node. Check back over your configurations and click Save when you are ready to continue.   

Step 5: Configuring a Task

Now, we can configure the details for how this task runs, once activated, and if we want to add any automated functions. 

Let's go through each tab, and elements they each contain, and what they are for. 

'General' Tab

This is the first thing you see after adding a task. From here you can edit the tasks “Title” and “Description". The new configurations include:

  • Expires After - Use the slide bar to set a window of time for the completion of this task 
  • Auto-Complete (toggle) - Allow task to complete if the assigned actor completes what has been assigned
  • Automate Communications (toggle) - Sends FCOS communications or email depending on task type
  • Track Changes (toggle) - Allows FCOS to keep a log of all actions made on this task
  • Allow Chat (toggle) - Allows admins and actors to chat regarding this task

'Chat' Under Construction 

The “Allow Chat” feature is under construction but will be available soon. 


'Actions' Tab

Clicking on this tab, we see the actor assigned according to the selection in "step 4". We also have the ability to add more actors using the same selection criteria as “step 4” after clicking the Add Action by Actor button. 

Order of “Actors”

If multiple Actors are added to a task, they are called on for actions in the order listed. Learn more about Managing Actors on Your Timeline & Checklist.


'On Activation' Tab

The On Activation tab allows you to add an automated workflow to be initiated once this task is “Activated”. This can be anything from “adding a note” to a profile, to "sending an email", or "updating a field". Make sure to click Save (on the top right) if you add an Action here.

Sample ‘On Activation’ Action

We set up the “On Activation” below to add a note to the profile where this timeline is activated. 


'On Action' Tab

The On Action tab allows you to add an automated workflow to be initiated once the “Actor" takes action on this task. This can be anything from “adding a note” to a profile, to "sending an email", or "updating a field". Make sure to click Save (on the top right) if you add an Action here.

Sample ‘On Action’ Action

We set up an Assign to a user workflow, to take trigger once the Actor assigned to this task takes their action. 


'On Completion' Tab

The On Completion tab allows you to add an automated workflow to be initiated once the “Task" is marked at "Complete". This can be anything from “adding a note” to a profile, to "sending an email", or "updating a field". Make sure to click Save (on the top right) if you add an Action here.

Sample ‘On Completion’ Action

We configured an “Action” to Update a field of the Company/node that we assigned in “Step 1”. 



You now know how to create a Timeline, add a Milestone, and add/configure tasks in a checklist. 

Learn More About Timelines

Continue your knowledge with Timelines, by searching for “timelines” from the help.FCOS homepage or look in the “Automations” section.