Get to Know the Communications Portal

Written By Staci Herrington (Administrator)

Updated at July 22nd, 2024

What are Communications?


The Communications Portal within the FranchiCzar Operations System (FCOS) serves as a central hub for communication and collaboration among franchisors, franchisees, and their teams. It provides several features that facilitate effective communication, goal setting, and relationship management. This document outlines the key functionalities of the Communications Portal, with a focus on its primary feature, Check-Ins, as well as other integral components such as Chats, Channels, and Kudos.


1. Check-Ins

The Check-Ins feature is designed to provide franchisors and franchisees with a structured method for monitoring and engaging with franchisees and their staff. It helps in maintaining a clear understanding of the franchisee's current status, achievements, and challenges within their operational framework.

Creating Check-Ins:
Franchisors or Franchisees can create Check-In forms for franchisees or their staff to fill out. These forms can be tailored to capture specific information about the franchisee's performance, such as monthly sales figures, operational challenges, and any support required that is currently missing.

Pulse Monitoring:
Check-Ins facilitate the collection of timely insights, enabling franchisors to understand the wins and blockers faced by franchisees over various timeframes (e.g., weekly, monthly, yearly).

Once a franchisee submits a completed Check-In, the system automatically notifies the creator. This ensures prompt follow-up and supports proactive management of franchisee needs.

2. Chats

The Chats feature provides a platform for direct, real-time communication between franchisors, franchisees, and staff members.

Internal Communication:
Chats allow for seamless internal communication within the franchise network. Users can discuss goals, share updates, or simply check in on team members.

Weather Updates and Alerts:
Franchisors and Franchisees can use Chats to provide franchisees with important updates or to check on their status during inclement weather conditions, ensuring the safety and preparedness of all parties involved.

3. Channels

Channels function similarly to teams in Microsoft Teams, offering a collaborative space for multi-user interactions.

Team Collaboration:
Channels enable users to engage in conversations with multiple team members simultaneously. This is ideal for conducting team discussions, and sharing information broadly.

Franchisors or Franchisees can post announcements to Channels, ensuring that all relevant parties receive important updates and news simultaneously.

4. Kudos

Kudos are a recognition tool used to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments of individuals within the franchise network.

Highlight Achievements:
Users can give Kudos to highlight noteworthy achievements and contributions of team members, boosting morale and fostering a culture of recognition.

Positive Reinforcement:
This feature encourages positive behavior by publicly acknowledging individuals’ efforts and successes.


The Communications Portal in FCOS is an essential tool that supports efficient communication and management within the franchise network. By utilizing features such as Check-Ins, Chats, Groups, and Kudos, franchisors can enhance their engagement with franchisees, streamline operations, and foster a collaborative environment. These functionalities collectively contribute to the overall success and growth of the franchise system.