How to Create a Check-In

Written By Staci Herrington (Administrator)

Updated at August 14th, 2024


In this section we will learn how to build and submit a Check-In for your staff to submit to you for review. 


To begin creating your new Check-in select the button found at the top right of your Check-Ins Dashboard.

The top part of the screen shows the user you are sending the check-in to for completion.

Questions - This section asks Franchisor specific questions for KPIs (Key Point Indicators) and any question you wish to ask them.

Incomplete priorities section - Any priority that was not completed initially by the staff member the previous week has the ability to move forward to the current check-in so you have insight on whether these tasks were completed or not.

Reviewer - This allows you to select the Reviewer for the check-in.  The system settings tab by default will also be you unless you submit a ticket and tell us someone else should be the default person to receive the check-ins for your staff.  (ie. another owner, a manager, etc.)


Creating the Check-In

  1. After selected the 'Create' button to open the new check-in you will now select which staff member to send this check-in to.
  1. Once selected you will see some pre-defined check-in questions. 
  1. If you would like to add more specific questions to the user, select the ‘+ Add A Question’ button at the bottom of the list.
  1. When you select the button a pop up will appear for you to add your questions one at a time.
  1. Select the ‘Create’ button to add your question to this list and repeat steps 3 & 4 until all of your questions have been added.
  2. The next setting is to choose whether or not you should bring the previous check-ins incomplete priorities into this check-in for visibility. These options are 'Yes, pull them forward' (default) or 'No, start over from scratch'.
  1. The last step of building this check-in is to set who the review will be.  It will default to you, if you would like someone else to be the system default setting, please submit a ticket in FCOS to update your locations default viewer.
  1. Select Request Check-In.