Navigating Your 'End To End' Report

User Guide

Written By John Beatty (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

End to End Report

The End to End report provides a quick way to view your facilities' activities within a selected date range ("Today", "Yesterday", "This Week", etc.) or plug in your own "Custom" range. Using the two built-in modes, you have the power to choose between seeing all activities (calls, emails, texts, tours, etc.) or "lead" specific activities. 

Clicking on End To End from the "Reports" menu (left-side) launches the report.  



The image of the menu above is shown as a Franchisor. The menu options differ for Franchisee and Facility users.




Franchisors & Franchisees see these activities broken down per "Facility"/location, while a Facility viewing this report focuses on their location.

End to End Report Modes

The End to End report has two (2) separate modes that effect what type of data you see, the Activity date mode and the Lead created mode. Lets breakdown what these mode display:

Report Mode Description
Activity date mode Reports all activities that have occurred in the specified date range
Lead created mode Reports all leads which were created in the specified date range, and all activities to or from those leads. 

End to End Report Columns

Both report modes utilize the same columns. Lets look at each column and the data it displays:

Column Description
FACILITY NAME Displays the Facility corresponding to the data displayed

Displays the "leads" intake Source (e.g. website) 

  • Facility names may appear several time within the report if the data is coming in from multiple "Sources" (see "River Oaks" from image below)
LEADS Displays the total Lead count for the given date range
OUT CALLS Displays the total calls made (Outgoing)
IN CALLS Displays the total calls received (Incoming)
OUT EMAILS Displays the total emails sent (Outgoing)
IN EMAILS Displays the total emails received (Incoming)
OUT TEXTS Displays the total texts sent (Outgoing)
IN TEXTS Displays the total texts received (Incoming)
TOUCHES Displays the total number of contact point made 
TOURS SCHEDULED  Displays the total number of tours scheduled 
TOURS Displays the total number of tours completed
CONVERSION Displays the number of lead converted to a new status (e.g. Active)

The End to End report in "Activity date mode", displays the type and number of "touches" made independent of the number of new "Leads" within the defined date range. 

Here is a detailed breakdown of viewing the End to End report in Activity date mode:

  1. Date Range of Report 
    1. Adjusted via "Date Filters Menu"
  2. Filer facilities by name (text field)
  3. Date Filters Menu (click on date range/custom option)
  4. Toggle Report Mode (button)
  5. Report Columns
    1. More details in next section ("Activity Date Mode Columns")
  6. Per-Facility Metric Visual
    1. Click a row to display "Metric"
  7. Legend for Metric Visual



Displaying "Quebec Unit/Facility 1" in the Metric table (above).

The End to End report in "Lead created mode", displays the type and number of "touches" made corresponding to of the number of new "Leads" within the defined date range. 



The columns and data points displayed compare directly to the "Activity date mode" view.

Here is a detailed breakdown of viewing the End to End report in Lead created mode:

  1. Date Range of Report 
    1. Adjusted via "Date Filters Menu"
  2. Filer facilities by name (text field)
  3. Date Filters Menu (click on date range/custom option)
  4. Toggle Report Mode (button)
  5. Report Columns
    1. Details in previous section ("Activity Date Mode Columns")
  6. Per-Facility Metric Visual
    1. Click a row to display "Metric"
  7. Legend for Metric Visual



Displaying "Hoodadak Unit/Facility" (Source = N/A) in the Metric table (above).