Review of Ticket Statuses

User Guide

Written By John Beatty (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 16th, 2022


First, let's have a quick recap of FCOS Tickets. 

Having a ticket or issue tracking system is just as important to us as it is to you. The ability to track bugs or isolated incidents that (you) the users of FranchiCzar OS allows the FCOS team's response to be expedient and direct. We respond directly to the ticket's (you) submitter and are able to pull in resources to respond to your needs. 


Ticket Statuses

Now, let's get into the various statuses a ticket might have and what they mean. There are two types of tickets, "Public" and "Private". The tables below outline the status of both Public and Private ticket statuses.

Public Tickets

Public Tickets, usually cover a more broad topic or feature requests and are voted on by all affected parties to help us determine when and where to place in the queue, for work. 

Status Description
New Indicates a newly submitted ticket 
In Review  Indicates ticket's content/request is under review 
Planned  Indicates ticket's request is accepted and action is planned 
In Progress Indicates a "planned" ticket is being worked on
Completed Indicates that ticket's request is finished
Closed Indicates the ticket's work is successfully deployed/resolved or requires no further action

Private Tickets

Generally, Private Tickets are support requests having to deal with an individual level.

Status Description
Open/Hold Indicates a newly submitted ticket / "hold" indicates information is pending from a 3rd party/vendor
Open Indicates ticket is being worked on
Pending Indicates the ticket is in the queue but awaiting feedback (from Franchisee)
Hold Indicates the ticket is on deck and further communications will come as details are outlined
Closed Indicates the ticket requires no further action
Solved Indicates the request is resolved