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Public Tickets Having a ticket or issue tracking system is just as important to us as it is to you....
November 3rd, 2021 683 views 0 likes
What are Tickets? When you have a question, need, or issue you want addressed a ticketing system is your direct...
November 3rd, 2021 679 views 0 likes
Tickets First, let's have a quick recap of FCOS Tickets. Having a ticket or issue tracking system is just as...
June 14th, 2022 565 views 0 likes
Ticket Macros If you are responsible for responding to tickets, within FranchiCzar OS, creating a template for your responses may...
September 29th, 2022 516 views 0 likes
Created, Followed, & Assigned Tickets The "Public" and "Private Tickets" options provide a cumulative overview of those ticket types but,...
October 4th, 2022 485 views 0 likes